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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Ramón Borras Iserta. Discal Protrusion in left L5-S1, discal Protrusion in C5-6 and D12-L1, Scoliosis.


Date of intervention: October 2007

Hi my name is Ramon, a 42-year-old patient living in Botarell situated in the province of Tarragona, Spain.

During all my life I have practiced different sports (mountain motorbike, bicycle, etc) and in the year 2005 I suddenly started having trouble with my lumbar and strong pain in the sciatic nerve of my left leg.

The doctors from the province where I come from in the social security did not find a solution to my problem, since I still had pain and was totally impossible to practice any sport and since the medicines I was prescribed did not have any effect.

17/09/2007 Ligera Escoliosis
Light Scoliosis 17/09/2007
Radiografía postoperatoria 22/12/2008. Se aprecia una mejoría en la columna vertebral.
Post-surgery X-ray 22/12/2008. A clear improvement is considered in the vertebral column

They recommended me Doctor Miguel B. Royo and without a doubt I went to the first visit in September 2007. They did a physical exploration on my whole column and detected a discal Protrusion on the left L5-S1, a discal Protrusion in C5-6 and D12-L1 and Scoliosis.

In October 2007 I went through the surgery for my Herniated disc in L5-S1 and Scoliosis and after being three days in the hospital I arrived home and my left leg was not bothering me anymore at all as well as my lumbar. I am not a doctor but I consider this operation totally successful, since my life has changed radically. A month after the operation I started swimming everyday and after six months I went back to practicing mountain sports and I live now a normal life without any troubles. I want to congratulate Dr. Royo´s team for their professionalism and the exceptional treat maintained. If you have any questions, do not hesitate in contacting me. Teléfono: (+34) 667 690 019 E-mail: [email protected]