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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

María Dolores Lopez Viñal. Thoracic Scoliosis.


Date of intervention: April 2005

As from 1997 (at the age of 29) I have been suffering episodes of Lumbalgia from over lifting in the posterior lumbar zone and eventhough at the beginning they were “PAINS” that with medication, it permitted me to live my life relatively norml. It is as from the year 200 when these episodes of pain, they became more frequent and lengthy that I found it rather difficult to live a relatively normal life.

As from 2002, these problems worsened and prolonged which made it rather difficult to live a normal. These problems they sharpened as from the year 2002 and despite of being subjet to various tests, I didn´t obtain a diagnostic.

To be able to treat those “PAINS”, I under went habitual treatments(antinflammorties, muscular relasantes, anaegisiacs, local heat, massajes, rehabilitation, highly invasive treatmens), before I was treated by means of surgical staples, they did 2 lumbar rizolosis on me, I was treated with ozone therapy and last they implanted an electric medular estimulater at dorsal lumbar epidural level, and after all these treatments, I didn´t improve.

My lumbalgia problems, evolutionated to lumbosiatics bilaterals, painful vertebral contractions in the dorso lumbar region, cericalgias, tingling sensation in my hands and feet and including urine incontenence. My life at that time, before this situation of pain just about constantly without a diagnostic with the treatment, I went on with my life at 36 years of age, and 2 children that I couldn´t attend, a husband with certain circumstances at his work wasn´t able to help me in taking care of our children, it was very difficult and with little hope of getting better. In this sitiuation, I went to visit the practise of DR. ROYO, that after examining the tests that I brought, (RMN, x-rays, Electrographs, scoliogram) and new tests that I did, he gave us adiagnostic (medual traction syndrome or tense filum terminal syndrome), eventhough it seems like something normal after the visit with Dr. Royo, there is a diagnostic, for me that was really important and it was the first time that they had given me a diagnostic and a solution to the problem. Dr. Royo propossed the section of the coccigeo ligament with his own technique to the liberation of the Filum Terminal, intervention was done on the 26th of April of 2005, it signifiys that after the intervention and time passed by, all the annoyances “pains” dissapeared, I stoppped utilizing medication, and like a miracle my life changed completely, I could take care of my children,walk, go for a stroll and took a rest when going to the bed, en resumen, my family were telling me that ” I have grown”. Three months passed by and I began t suffer, a lumbar contraction, with a radiated pain direction of the left leg, eventhough I need to say that it wasn´t the intensity of before having the intervention. Three months passed by and I began t suffer, a lumbar contraction, with a radiated pain direction of the left leg, eventhough I need to say that it wasn´t the intensity of before having the intervention. I recognise that eventhough I feel much better, continue having this pain, in a way of intermittent in my left leg and my hope was that little by little this pain would remit just like Dr. Royo informed me. Effectively apart from April of 2006 when everything began to get better evidently, today is July 2007, and I am living a tranquil life and being conscious of my limitations, I can live without PAIN and have illusion for life.