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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Daniella Mascaretti. Syringomyelia, Cervicodorsolombar Scoliosis, Mielopatia of Traction


Date of intervention: March 2007


In January 2007, at the hospital San Raffaele of Milan, a person in charge of the pain centre, Dr, Marchettini diagnosed me Syringomyelia.

This is a rare pathology, is an affection of the central nervous system, characterized by the formation of a longitudinal cavity in the spinal cord. On the same one, different etiopatogen have been proposed. The clinic is extremely variable and often it does not correspond with the Magnetic Resonance, that advises to demonstrate frequent malformations (before all, the Arnold Chiari I, treated carrying out a occipital-cervical decompression). As the study of the RM relative to my clinical Picture excludes the presence of anomalies that have to be removed surgically, the only indication is the use of a Antiepileptico drug (Pregabalina) with warning that the symptoms of Syringomyelia tends to worsen with high risk of minusvalia.

Scared before the perspective of life, I began to search in Internet, to be able to contact with other Italian centres that took care of this pathology.

I tried to extend the work that I was doing and from this way the connection to the web of Institute Neurologic of Barcelona caught my curiosity and of my medical Dr. Lumini because it seemed to give my case hope. After a neurological evaluation attempt Dr. Royo in addition, confirmed the Italian version proposed a newness. The way to stop the disease is by means of the surgical Section of the Filum Terminal (described at Given the worsening of the symptomology and specially to stop the evolution, I chose to undergo the intervention. After hours, a good clinical evolution was observed: sensation of liberation in all the column and recovery of the tact to the cold and heat in the right half of the body. In April 2007, a month alter the discharge, the postoperative control visit emphasized the presence of force in the right hand and regular reflection of both feet. It also verified the disappearance of the suffering of the medular. Thanks to Dr. Marchettini who gave me the correct diagnosis of Syndrome Syringomyelia and who listened to my anamnesis and furthermore the outstanding anomalies during the neurological tests. Form more than 10 years I noticed rigidity in the neck and with time pain Developer in all the right superior extremity (shoulders, scupula, thorax, hemithorax, arm, forearm, hand). In 2000, with the diagnosis of cervical hernia C6-C7, they had practised a therapy called Onik on me. In 2003, with a diagnosis of the syndrome by subacromial of the right shoulder, borsectomia a subacromial treatment was carried out on me. The pre-operating conservative methods as the constant postoperative rehabilitation did not give benefits in neither cases. The specialists confirmed the success of the operations, attributing to the last of my symptoms to a cericodorsobraquialgia, which had verticalisation of the cervical physiological lordosis, in a attitude escoliotica dorsal right and rare muscular tone. Like indicate, I insisted with postural and respiratory gymnastics, the vertebrales tractions, the massages and taking cycles of antiflammitory drugs. The absence of the positive answer to my reductive protocol and a complete results of the electrophysiologists , indicative information of a diffuse motor neurogene suffering in the predominant right superior extremity in the fields of C7-C8- T1, led to direct me to the pain Centre at the Hospital San Raffaele of Milan. Aquí el descubrimiento del Síndrome Siringomielico y al Institut At Institute Neurologic Barcelona was the discovery of Syringomyelia Syndrome and the possibility of stopping the disease thanks to Dr Royo and to his surgical technique. Now the verification of decisive improvements, with the hope that within time the recovery becomes complete. My contact details: (+39) 03 63 34 49 41