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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Irene. Arnold Chiari I, Idiopathic Syringomyelia and Scoliosis. Medullar Traction Syndrome.

Date of surgery: July 2010 italia polonia

My story

In 2009, after suffering some problems like detrussor dyssinergia, the so called neurogenic bladder and a few nightmarish years with unbelievable pains, headaches, that conditioned me stay in bed for several days without being to move my head for just a millimetre, fainting, etc., I was diagnosed with Arnold Chiari I and a syringomyelic cavity. The surgery was urgent; otherwise the rest of my body, beside the parts that had already lost their functionality, would also be in danger. The verdict was a brain decompression, and I was told that this “is nothing”. After consulting with different neurologists and neurosurgeons, the most renowned in the field and my region, and not only there, the opinions turned out o be conflicting, no one gave us a unanimous diagnosis. ” You don´t have anything, this is all due to other causes”- but which ones? We listened to all the opinions of the best doctors, I underwent all the necessary tests. The results from the evoked potentials were a sign; an ignored sign. No one committed to giving me a cause for the progressive and degenerative malaise I found myself in.

After several intents and vicissitudes, my clinical history ended up with Dr. Royo, who did not promise us any miracles. It was not know whether the bladder issues would be resolved, but the illness would certainly be stopped. The honesty of the diagnosis and the research that my mother, the great protagonist of my illness history, carried out regarding the procedure, its results and the possibilities to stop the progress of Arnold Chiari and Syringomyelia, led me into the surgery room. I think that I haven´t ever remembered any other surgery, or even diagnostic tests, with this tranquillity! The surgeon hugged my parents when he came out of the operation room. I admit that the first five days of the post surgical process were painful, and that I could not lift anything heavier than 500 grams for the first month. The Italian, Belgian and Polish physicians that looked at my wound in the following months were amazed with the perfection with which this kind of procedure had been done.

Today, one year and three months after the surgery, the path is still long, but the results are obvious. The headaches have disappeared almost entirely. There is a certain recovery of sensitivity. After a first period of fainting, this has not happened again since. In the control visit a greater liberation was found.

I don´t want to hide the fact that during the recovery process, which can last for a long time, it is essential to see other specialists, because the Arnold Chiari and the Syringomyelia are neurological pathologies and affect the nerves. A nerve, when it is dead, must be restored.

Dr. Royo is one of the very few specialized and humane physicians that I have encountered during my journey. My body will need much more time to recover from the different misdiagnosis and, above all, from the mistreatments, but I believe that I have found the right direction.

For any communucation: [email protected]