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Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis of Barcelona

Filum System® SURGERY Courses

The Filum System® SURGERY is offered according to demand after assessing if the candidates match the requirements and conditions of the application of he method in their territory.



The training is addressed at medical professionals that are specialists in Neurosurgery and interested in learning and applying the collection of the 16 FS® protocols, including the neuro-surgical praxis.


Features and Conditions

The course involves:
  • Some weeks of professional training in Barcelona, with clinical ad surgical residency with the ICSEB’s neurosurgical team.
  • A first period of implementation and application of the method at the candidate’s centre of origin under the supervision of the Filum System®
These are the necessary conditions to access the Filum System® SURGERY:
  • There has to be a group of at least 2 neurosurgeons, with the availability to have at their disposal the adequate health care personnel to form a neurosurgical team of reference (this includes instrumentation, nursing and administrative personnel).
  • Taking the Filum System® MEDICAL (formerly Filum System® Sanitary) course.
  • Obtaining the Filum System® MEDICAL (formerly Filum System® Sanitary) diploma.
  • To be an accredited Filum System® ICSEB Exterior collaborating physician, to be active on a clinical level for a probation period that will depend on their health care experience with patients affected by the Filum Disease
  • The economical, logistical and health care characteristics of the unit or centre where the FS® SURGERY planned to be applied must allow to reproduce the excellence of ICSEB’s clinical and surgical outcomes.

Title and Accreditation

The professional and his or her Centre or Unit receive at the end of the training:
  • The accreditation for the application of the method Filum System®
  • The authorisation to use the trademark Filum System®.


Given that the course is of a very advanced level and follows the Filum System® SANITARY course, neurosurgeons who are already collaborators of the Filum System®, may contact the FAB® to submit their application, information about their unit and suggestions of future collaboration that match with the set out requirements.


General course programme

– Filum Academy Barcelona®:
  • Background knowledge about the diseases and their definitions
  • The new Filum Disease and the findings.
  • Associated diseases.
  • ¿What is the diagnostic and treatment method for the Filum Disease? The twelve protocols.
  • Why is a METHOD and its types necessary?
  • Protocol I. Diagnosis of the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome and the Filum Disease.
  • Protocol II. Treatment of the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome.
  • Protocol III. Pre-operative period and anaesthesia of the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale (SFT).
  • Protocol IV. Surgery for the Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome. Practice.
  • Protocol V. Immediate post-operative period of the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale.
  • Tools for information management and technical aspects.
  • Protocol VI. Outcomes in the Sectioning of the Filum Terminale and quality of life.
  • Protocol VII. Post – SFT pharmacological treatment in the Filum Disease and other consequences.
  • Protocol VIII. Post-SFT physiotherapy and functional recovery.
  • Protocol IX. Post-SFT prosthetics and orthotics.
  • Protocol X. Post-SFT medical check up. Genetics in the Filum Disease.
  • Protocol XI. Information Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome.
  • Protocol XII. The future of the Filum Disease.
  • Protocol XIII. Diagnostic procedure and indications of the treatments to be applied to the diseases that can exist together with the Filum Disease.
  • Protocol XIV. Healthcare and logistic management for the implementation of a Filum System® care unit.
  • Protocol XV. Clinical records of Neuro-Cranio-Vertebral Syndrome and Filum Disease.
  • Protocol XVI. Documentation that forms the Filum System®
– Clinical Sessions at ICSEB – Clinical Sessions at Hospital CIMA – Extras   Note: The Filum Academy Barcelona® reserves the right to changes in the FS® course programs as well as to refuse students’ application to admission to the training.