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Danilo Lo Savio. Cord Traction Syndrome. Idiopathic Scoliosis.

Published by at 03/06/2015

Surgery date: May 2013

Danilo is 21 years old and is from Bari. He tells us that for years he was living looking for an answer for his problems, going to and fro in between different specialists, without a cleat diagnosis but with many hypotheses, and no treatment was giving any results.

At the start of 2013, his young cousin, Samuele, had surgery with the Institut Chair team, and it was then that Danilo got to know Dr. Royo’s theory, taking part in a meeting for patients and medical staff in Bari.

Following and appointment with him and after having been given finally a satisfying diagnostic conclusion and despite the doubts due to his previous medical experiences he chose to follow the surgical indication and underwent the Sectioning of the Filum terminale.

In the post-surgical follow up one and a half months after surgery, the patient reports that the stiffness, muscle pain, contractures, insomnia, attention alterations, or in other words, the whole symptomatological picture has improved noticeably, he can now walk without problems and can study easily, and he is very happy for having chosen the option of surgery.

The entire ICSEB team thanks Danilo for is trust and for sharing his story.

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