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معهد شياري ببرشلونة

Administrative and logistical matters

Legal note

The FAQ (frequently asked questions) section is the result of a compilation of the most significant questions according to their importance or frequency with which they are asked. The administrative staff has been compiling these questions since the beginnings of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona’s activity.

The medical team has prepared the answers under Dr Miguel Bautista Royo Salvador’s supervision to every single question.

The aim of this section is no other than to orientate, help and to solve the most common doubts that may arise when patients facing one of the diseases we treat. In no way does this section replace a medical specialist’s professional advise who sees the patient personally.

By accepting this legal note you acknowledge that the mentioned herein is for informative purposes only. Do not take any decision without having consulted with specialist physician beforehand.

We hope that this section will be useful to you.

Signed: Dr Miguel Bautista Royo Salvador.

Director of the Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona

  • I would like to request information – whom do I address?
The Institut staff is available to provide all the information you may require, as well on the administrative as on the clinical level. On this website, you will find one or more contact persons for each language to communicate with. Please feel free to contact us via email at this general address, and the person in charge of you case will get back to you: [email protected] Or you all us from 09:00 to 18:00 hours from Monday to Thursday and until 15:00 hours on Fridays (CET): 0034 932800836 0034 932066406  
  • I do not live in Barcelona – can I forward my medical files for an orientation at distance?
Our Institut offers a free service of an orientation at distance in order to indicate a consultation or treatment at our centre for patients living outside of Barcelona, so that they travel only when they know for certain that we will be able to help them. All the information you may provide will be treated with absolute privacy according to the fundamental law of data protection (LOPD).  
  • How?
In order for us to provide a medical orientation regarding your case, we would like to invite you to send in your clinical documentation through our website, The files have to be in .rar, .zip or PDF format. Or send us a copy of the CD by post to the following address: Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona ICSEB: Paseo Manuel Girona, 32, 08034, Barcelona, Spain.  
  • ? If I tell you about my symptoms at distance or describe my clinical state via phone or email, can you help me as if in an appointment?
Telephone or email communications CANNOT EVER replace a medical appointment. If the affected person is not yet our patient, our physicians can provide a diagnostic orientation in order to confirm the indication for an appointment. When one o our patients experiences an emergency and is not near the Institut, he or she will have to approach the next emergency room or visit the corresponding general practitioner so that they can indicate what is best to be done according to the circumstances. The patient can inform us afterwards so that our specialists can give their opinion.  
  • I am from a different country – once the necessity of an appointment has been established, can you assist me in obtaining the visa I need in order to enter Spain?
Given the case that it were to be necessary to get a visa to be able to come to our Institut for an appointment, our contact staff will issue the required certificates corresponding to the case and always following a previous assessment and orientation at distance of the case. The remaining procedures must be completed with the Embassy, Consulate or any other corresponding official entity. In no way can we guarantee a positive resolution of these procedures; they are the exclusive competence of the official bodies.  
  • Will there be a translation service available when I come to your Institute?
Other than providing patient care in Barcelona’s two official languages (Catalan and Spanish), the Institut Chiari is prepared to translate documents and offer interpretation and mediation according to the clinical and administrative necessities of the patient in the following languages: English, French, German, Polish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese.  
  • Is it possible to enjoy your translation service during my stay in Barcelona also outside of the time of the hospital stay and for touristic purposes?
Our interpreting team is specialized in health care matters. If you wish they can provide information about agencies that are dedicated to tourism.  
  • When I come to your Institute for a consultation and it is confirmed that I require surgical treatment, could I stay on directly?
If we have had the opportunity to assess your case previously at distance, in some cases, we will be able to foresee a surgical programme reservation on logistical, administrative and financial level. For the patient to stay on for surgical treatment, the arrangement will have to be confirmed on the day of the medical appointment. We do in any case count with a very efficient service at the CIMA Hospital that makes a good organization of pre-operatory testing and admissions to the hospital possible.  
  • ¿Does an accompanying person have to come with me?
Above all in the case of surgical treatment we recommend that you come ith someone to accompany you. We would like to remind you that in the case of patients that are not of age or have a tutor, the legal guardian’s presence and consent would be required in all proceedings.  
  • Does my health insurance or my country’s national health service cover the consultation or surgical treatment costs?
Our Institute is a private entity. Nevertheless, depending on the country of origin and the applied treatment, we have information about patients who have requested and obtained reimbursement from private insurance companies/mutual insurance companies/public health services. Your contact person can provide the corresponding information and/or contact details according to your needs. Nonewithstanding, we would like to remind you, that the proceedings have to be filed by the patients and that their outcome is uncertain, since many different factors are involved. The fact that a treatment may have been reimbursed in a certain country or region, does not guarantee that following treatments can be reimbursed as well, even if the circumstances are identical.  
  • When a surgical indication is established, do I have to get and bring results of pre-op tests the day prior to surgery? If so, which ones?
Our hospitalisation organisation foresees and includes in its budget a circuit of basic pre-op tests (blood test, thorax x-ray, electrocardiogram) and a pre-anaesthetic consultation with a specialist. If at any rate, you already have the required test results available and they are no older than three months, you can discuss with you contact person whether those can be considered valid.  
  • Why do you request an ID or passport number at distance for booking a surgery?
The department for surgical reservations at CIMA hospital requires a internationally valid identification document to identify the patient.
  • When I come for an appointment, can I get a doctor’s note for school/work? I need a certificate of…(various).
Our admin staff will provide the corresponding certificates for a medical appointment and/or surgical procedure. If you require a private medical certificate, our team of doctors will be available to issue it.
  • Is it possible to travel back home on the day of discharge?
For the most part, it is possible to travel on the day of discharge from the hospital, however, the most convenient arrangement will be suggested for each case according to medical indication.  
  • I am allergic to a number of foods… Will this be considered during the hospital stay?
The corresponding care unit at CIMA hospital has to be aware of this in order be able to provide a suitable diet; please contact your contact person at ICSEB previously who will communicate the information. We also advise to make the information known to the physician to see you in consultation.  
  • My religion prohibits consuming certain foods. Will the hospital respect my beliefs?
There are different suitable diets that are being varied every day, it is our patient who makes the choice together with ICSEB’s care team, and should watch out for incompatibilities. Should there not be a suitable option, please advise in time so that the hospital can adapt to the client’s needs. We therefore recommend that you inform our contact staff at ICSEB of such matters.  
  • I am taking a specific type of medication (chronic, acute, …) Will the nurses on the ward be able to supply it?
For it to be supplied, the medical team should approve it first. No medication can be supplied under any circumstances if it has not been approved first.
  • I am not comfortable on the ward and would like to get better care. What can I do?
The CIMA hospital has customer services and a corresponding complaint forms. Any complaint or suggestion can be made through this channel; nevertheless, we advise that you also inform your contact person at the Institut Chiari, who is well aware of the internal circuits at CIMA hospital and will mediate to make your stay as pleasant as possible.