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由小腦扁桃體下疝第一型、脊髓空洞症、原發性脊柱側彎和終絲相關疾病患者建議舉辦的藝術展會。 10月7日,在羅馬的Teatro San Luigi Guanella劇場舉辦。
會場上將展示多位藝術家的作品。基金會創辦人羅佑醫生也會展示他的藝術作品。從事表演工作的義大病友麗塔(Rita Capobianco)將為我們帶來一場精彩的舞台表演。作者瑪麗莎(Marisa Toscanno),舞蹈表演者安娜麗莎(Annalisa Caicci)和歌唱家羅拉(Laura lerano)也將為我們帶來精彩的表演。此外,由來自義大、法國、西班牙、巴西、比利時、俄羅斯和羅馬尼亞的病友給我們帶來不同的歌舞表演、藝術作品和文學作品。
我們非常滿意羅馬藝術展的結果。我們看到病友,家屬和身邊的朋友對患者的支持和樂觀的態度。羅佑醫生在活動結束後表示。 “很高興看到這麼多病人,並有機會認識直接或間接的患有終絲疾病患者爭取更美好的生活”。

Pier Luigi Nicoletti, Director of San Luigi Guanella theater.


Elena De’ Michieli Vitturi, Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.


Paintings of Ferrán Pérez Vivancos.


Interview of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador, with Gioia Luè, Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.


Paintings of Dr. Horia C. Salca.


Covers of the best sellers from Natalia Kalinina.


Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Evolution of the descent of the cerebellar tonsils”.


Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Posterior cervical arthrodesis C1-C2 with bone graft and steel wire”.


Drawing sheets of Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador “Sequence of the intervention of Sectioning of the Filum terminale”.


Rosanna Biagiotti, presenter.


Marisa Toscano, writer.


Francesca Ghisio Erba, dancer and choreographer.


Francesca Ghisio Erba, dancer and choreographer, y Marisa Toscano, writer.


Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.


Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador y Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.


Dr. Miguel B. Royo Salvador y Rita Capobianco, author, actress and director.


Dr. Giacomo Caruso.


Testimonials of the patients of Institut Chiari & Siringomielia & Escoliosis de Barcelona.


Painting of Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.


Paintings and poems of Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.


San Luigi Guanella Theatre, before the event.


Annalisa Caicci, dancer and choreographer.


Laura Ierano, singer.


Francesco Mauro, painter and poet.


Marie-Thérése Ierano, poem of Anthony Ierano.


Closing ceremony of the event.